Supporting Hope Lutheran Primary School
Bufuula, Uganda

 In January 2023, the Outreach Board learned about Hope Lutheran Church and School in Bufuula, Uganda from Stephen Maxwell. The Board agreed to help support the Primary School by designating it as a Noisy Collection recipient in March 2023. Pastor Craig also invited Stephen to share more about his mission work during the Sunday School hour on March 5, 2023.  Stephen shared about the extreme poverty that exists in this country, but he also noted the rich faith that lives and is growing amongst the people who have been touched by the LCMS mission work there.

 In addition to our Noisy Collection donations, Grace Lutheran will also be sponsoring a student attending Hope Lutheran in Bufuula. Baniga Shawula is a 5th grade girl attending the school, and we have designated funds from the Outreach budget to cover her sponsorship. You can find Baniga’s picture and photos of the school on the bulletin board as you enter the Education Building. If you would like to personally sponsor a student in Uganda, please contact the church office. The sponsorship donation is $300 for the year. You will be able to select a student and correspond with them through letters Stephen Maxwell will deliver on his next mission trip to Uganda. See the downloads at the bottom of this page for sponsorship form & more information.  It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to fully fund Hope Lutheran Primary School in Bufuula through student sponsorships and other donations. 

In August of 2023, Grace Lutheran also had the opportunity to welcome Bishop Charles Bameka, Presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church Uganda, to preach during our worship service and share more about his work during the adult Sunday School class (pictured left). 

You can also learn more about the school and the Lutheran Church of Uganda by clicking on the button below. 

Lutheran Church of Uganda
Mission Uganda Updates

Since our initial support of Hope Lutheran Primary School began, Pastor Craig has travelled to Uganda twice to teach at the LCU Seminary (September 2023 & May 2024) . The seminarians received copies of Pastor's book (The No-Nonsense Church)  to study with him during his time in Uganda. 

Read more about Pastor's first trip by clicking on the link below. 

Pastor Craig's 2023 Trip
Mission Uganda Sponsorships
Online Giving

Please select "Uganda Mission Student Sponsor Fund" from the drop-down menu when submitting your donation. 

Thank you for your support!

Photos from Uganda

From Pastor Craig's visit in September 2023

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