Let this year, 2023, be a fearless year. Reacting, rather than responding,  is the impulse of fears. Fears are created out of the need to protect one’s self from any and all things dreaded, i.e. rejection, loneliness, loss of health, loss of love, not enough money, missing out on pleasures, losing friends, etc.. Fears are endlessly created as life is driven by the self. Self-seeking is a certain way of increasing one’s fears. Self-seeking is a sure fire way of fulfilling what is dreaded. God says, “…for those who are self-seeking, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.” Romans 2:8  

Fears attends to the self.

Faith attends to God.  

Faith enables me to quit reacting in fear and to choose to respond in attentive love towards others. If I want to reach my best then I look upward to my Savior, Jesus Christ, in faith and outward to others in love. God’s grace supplies my inner being (mind, heart, soul, spirit) with all I need to be richly satisfied in God’s forgiveness and love.

  In this world you will have trouble, says our Lord Jesus Christ. But, “Fear not!” Christ directs, “I have overcome the world.” May our love be genuine as we serve Christ fearlessly by serving others.

  If only we have ears to hear. Oh Spirit of God open our ears today!  

Pastor Craig