Exciting News!
We are GROWING and will be offering 2 Sunday worship services soon

Beginning Sunday, March 2, 2025 Grace Lutheran will have a new schedule for Sunday mornings:

8:15am Worship Service with Holy Communion 

9:30am Bible Study and Sunday School

10:45am Worship Service with Holy Communion 

For more than 60 years, Grace Lutheran has shone the light of Jesus Christ into the San Marcos community. Grace continues to uphold the Scriptures as God's inspired Word, and seeks to serve the needs of people as well as bring people to Jesus Christ through its witness and proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Grace Lutheran is a congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)

Learn more about our congregation
Mission Uganga
Following Jesus Around the World

Grace Lutheran is thankful to be a partner of Mission Uganda through our support of Hope Lutheran Church and School in Bufuula, Uganda.  To learn more about this effort, click HERE.

Pastor Craig travelled to Uganda in September 2023 to teach at the LCU Seminary.

Photo: The seminarians receive their copies of Pastor's book (The No-Nonsense Church) that they studied with him during his time in Uganda. 

Read more about Pastor's trip by clicking on the link below. 

LCU Update on Pastor's Trip
At Grace Lutheran, we believe our call to live by faith in Christ Jesus rallies around our identity as children of the Heavenly Father through faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior. Therefore, we perceive all of our time, treasures, talents, opportunities, circumstances and relationships as God given resources to fulfill our purpose on earth. This unites us in the same purpose that engages every Christian: To proclaim the truth and demonstrate the love of Christ.


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